Ansel Adams By: Elizabeth Head Hr:6

Photography Style

Ansel's photography style was more environmental and took more photos of mountains more than anything. All of his photographs were taken in black in white. The majority of his famous work was taken at Yosemite National Park. What Adams whanted to capture in his work is the beauty what was being captured. He wanted to show different angles and show what was actually there, in some of his photos it would make you feel like you were actually in the moment the picture was taken.

What made him so famous?

Adams career breakthrough started when he first submitted his first portfolio. When different companies loved his work a big wave of commercial assignments came rolling in and that's how he began his journey. As the years went by he had expanded to bigger better things, started taking photos of mountains, factories, once in awhile he'd make a trip to the city as well. From that point on his main focus was on the environment, from mountains to the trees in the forest.

Caught in action: Ansel Adams doing what he does best.

Adams Contribution

Ansels contribution to photography was not only his wonderful and breathtaking photographs. The fact that it allowed other viewers to understand the photographers complete vision of the natural world. He always wanted to focus on natures most intimate features like form of texture, the different like and shadow aspects. All of these pin points brought contribution to the world of photography.

Appreciation and what I have learned:

What I appreciate most about Ansel Adams work is the fact that he puts his time into it and is passionate for his work. He seemed like he always would have a new idea or another way of capturing the photo.

What I have learned about photography from this project is that commercial photographers put all their time and energy into every project they have. They take their work very seriously and know what to look for while taking photographs. I also have learned that all commercial photographers are creative in there own way and they all have their own technique.

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