Honolulu Zak Krahmer

Location Details

Koolau Range

Honolulu lies on the Koolau range. The Koolau range is a mountain range.The range is eastern of a shield volcano.

Punch bowl

Honolulu can be located on the Punch Bowl. Also Honolulu climbs the slopes of the Punch Bowl. The Punch Bowl is located Northeast of Honolulu.

Honolulu can be located on the Southeast Coast in Oahu island. Honolulu`s city is legally Coextensive. Also Honolulu`s county is coextensive. The closest location to mainland is Point Arena.

a graph of the weather in Honolulu

For Honolulu`s weather for the cold season it can be 75 degrees F. In the summer season it can be around 79 degrees. The average high in July can be 88 degrees.

The city of Honolulu

Honolulu lies on a narrow plain along the sea. Also Honolulu lies between the Koolau Range. Honolulu can also be located in the Punch Bowl.

History and culture

Honolulu in the 1800`s

Honolulu became the paramount capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1845. Also in the 11th century oral histories and artifact indicate that there was a settlement. Honolulu in the early 1800`s whaling and trading ships were jammed in Honolulu Harbor.

King Kame Hamehu the third

In 1845 Kame Hameh the third had moved is kingdom to Honolulu. Then he said the Honolulu was the permanent capital of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The king moved his Kingdom from Lahania to Maui then finally to Honolulu.

Alice Spaulding House

Their is the Alice Cooke Spaulding House. The house displays Asian works. Some of the major culture may onclude the Bernice Pauhi.

What to do and where to visit.

You can go and visit the Dole plantation and it traces back to the pineapple industry. Also you can go and visit The Kawaiaho Church in downtown Honolulu. You can go to one of the most famous beach known as Waikiki.

Wakki Beach, Dole plantation and Kawaiaho Church

You can visit the Kapiolani in Honolulu. It contains an aquarium. Also it has a Waikiki shell it`s where the Honolulu give it`s symphony.

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