
Using Google Forms to create quick consumer surveys

Google Forms is a quick and easy way to create surveys, send them out, and capture your results.

To get to Google Forms:

1. Go to your USF Gmail account

2. Click on Apps (nine dots in upper right-hand corner), scroll down

3. Select Forms

4. Then select: Start a New Form: Blank

To start your form, give it a title and a description
The description is very important, it tells your respondents what the survey is about, and why you are doing it.
Sample description: "We are conducting this survey for our Integrated Marketing Communications class at USF. Your responses will help us develop a strong project. Your answers are private and will only be used for our project. Thank you!

Then choose the style of question you want to use for your questions. Here are the types:

Short answer — respondents provide short answers

Paragraph — Similar to Text question, just more space so that respondents can provide longer answers...

Multiple choice — respondents select one option from among several

Checkboxes — respondents select as many options as they’d like

Choose from a list — respondents select one option from a dropdown menu

Linear Scale — respondents rank something along a scale of numbers (e.g., from 1 to 5)

Now, on to viewing those responses!

Your survey is automatically saved in Google Drive

Your survey results can be viewed in two ways; as a spreadsheet in your Drive, and in graph form

To set up your spreadsheet and view results, go to your survey and click Responses, then...

In Response view, just scroll down to see the graphs of your results...
Your results in spreadsheet form
Created By
Penny Scott