The Monkeys Paw By: Christian Ward

Be Careful For What You Wish For. In the story the monkeys paw a family gets three wishes from the monkeys paw and they came true but in return for the good thing came a bad thing.

The author makes it clear in the story to be carful for what you I wish for. The whites got granted three wishes from the paw. One of their wishes was to get 200 pounds. The monkeys paw soon made that wish come true, but in return came something bad. They didn't know at first but they found out a little later that the bad thing was their soon died. The monkeys paw granted the wish but in return took their son.

In the story the author states "But I warn you about the consequences." The Whites thought he was just trying to be funny, until they ,add some wishes and the Consequences were bad. The monkeys paw had a lot of bad consequences come.

The Monkeys Paw not only gave a lot of bad consequences but it was a big maker of Mischief. The monkeys paw granted mostly all wishes whether they were bad or not. For instance the young man that wished for death, it wasn't a good wish but the paw granted it. Granting the bad wishes made a lot of people upset and unhappy.

The authors point of this story is to be careful for what you wish for. You must think about the wish and Make sure you really want it before actually wishing for it.

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