whitewashing on broadway How your favorite play could be contributing to whitewashing in entertainment

Wicked cast

Wicked, the popular Broadway play based on "The Wizard of Oz" is a major whitewashing play. As you can see, it has almost all white actors, except for one green person, who is white actress in green makeup.

There are characters in the book The Wizard Of Oz, such as Fiyero, who were written as a black character. However, this part was originally given Norbert Leo Butz, who was white, just like all of the other actors and actresses in wicked. This doesn't make it a bad musical, it just means that the casting directors need to have more of an open mind while casting.


The Hamilton cast is much more diverse. There are Black leads, Asian American leads, Mexican leads, and more. In fact, the only white lead is Jonathan Groff, who plays King George.

Hamilton Cast

The diverse cast of the American side of the play represents immigrants from all over the world coming together and create something beautiful.

In June of 2016, "For the first time in Tony Awards history, all four musical acting awards have gone to people of color." This shows that in the past, before Hamilton was so popular, many plays had very white casts. The

Why is whitewashing on Broadway a problem?

Whitewashing on Broadway is a problem because it can make young actors of color be discouraged, and make them think that they can't be an actor like they may want.


It's simple! Just give Hamilton and other diverse plays like it positive attention. Don't get angry if people like plays that are not diverse, just praise those that do. That would be enough. Broadway directors just need to follow Hamiltons footsteps and cast more people of color.


  • http://d3rm69wky8vagu.cloudfront.net/photos/large/4.193199.jpg (WICKED CAST)
  • http://www.nashvilleparent.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Broadway.jpg(BROADWAY PICTURE)
  • http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/wicked/images/thumb/0/0a/Wicked1.jpg/142px-Wicked1.jpg (FIYERO)
  • https://nutrition.tufts.edu/sites/default/files/Diversity.png (DIVERSITY HANDS)
  • http://a.abcnews.com/images/Entertainment/gty_hamilton_opening_mm_160202_12x5_1600.jpg (HAMILTON CAST WInDOW)
  • http://d2npu017ljjude.cloudfront.net/images/regular-43/w606/81495-9.jpg (HAMILTON CAST 2)
Created By
Maggie Dullea

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