From Forms An imaginary journey With lines bordering on Knowledge, and courage

Far From an Imaginary realm lies a zone of possible lines. Like a road on a map, the line meanders , discovering territory beyond experience or memory.

Playful, even mocking, it reveals

. . .

As we stumble falling head over heels...

.a new form ...

Of our true nature, reflected


our outer form...

More true,

Without any makeup

...and yet revealing an inner beauty

all but forgotten ....buried in a heap of our memories...

Sometimes harsh

Piercingly sharp shard of reflection; A hitherto hidden facet of our persona...fragmented yet cohesive layer...

Ready to crumble lines of thought...of thinking...

Color wiggling in and out...

Inner meditation path

Textured delicately mysterious,

And beautiful.

Hidden in the dark

A version of our beauty,

waiting for the moment of discovery

The lines....of thought


The layers ...of discovered meaning


Created By
Narasimha Murthy Gollapudi

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