Fishing Industry [CANADA]

Canada has one of the most biggest fishing industries in the world. Canada exports to more than 130 countries. The industry provides many jobs for Canadians and is the economic dependence of around 1,500 communities. The industry catches a lot of different species of fish.


We need to manage the resource more and not compromise future generations to use them. The fishing industry main problem is over fishing. Too manage or make this resources more sustainable, we should make more stricter rules on fishing, for example limit fish catches, this will preserve fish for a longer period of time, this is a sustainable solution.The solutions listed above will help in managing the resources.

Extraction and processing

There's tonnes of fish in Canadian waters, Canada's commercial fishing landed 925,000 tonnes.There are many method to catching fish. Some equipment to catch fish are hooks, sinkers, floats, reels, baits, lures, spears, nets, gaffs, traps, waders.

Around 95% of the Canadian fish harvest is made into to food products, 75% prepared and filleted, 15% preserved and 5% are canned.


This resource is very useful , they mainly are used for eating but they can also be used to make medicine. There is a tonnes of fish out there and It contributes a lot to the Canadian economy, it provides more than 120,000 jobs to Canadians. It makes a lot of money for our Gdp. The aquaculture generate 1 billion for our GDP.

Fish processed into food for consumption


We export this resource to more than 130 countries, and by doing this our economy grows. Most of our fish and seafood caught are exported, Our biggest trading partner is the United States, 63 percent of Canadian fish and seafood exports were on route for the United States. The People’s Republic of China and the European Union were also important export markets in 2014.

Exporting Fish
Canada's top export markets

Issues and solutions

Fishing is a very important industry. There are many issues that this issue causes which is very harmful to the environment. Over fishing is the most heard issue that the industry causes, also many people are illegally fishing species that are not meant to be caught, these are issues that need attention. We can end this by putting a limit on catches and protecting our waters so that no illegal activity can happen. This will severely help us in getting rid of these issues.


Thanks for reading my page hope you learned something valuable about the Canadian fishing industry, The topics we went through and explained were extraction, processing, benefits, issues and solutions and last of all exporting. Hope you learned something about each of the topics.


Created with images by N Stjerna - "Fish" • Lekies - "fishing at sunset fischer twilight" • uliatcairo - "fish beside the sea" • MLundback - "fish"

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