Frankenstein Quotes Theme: PEOPLE'S judgement based on appearance.

"I am alone and miserable; man will not associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself was not to deny himself to me. My company must be of the same species and the same defects. This being you must create" The monster (Chapter 16 Shelly)

This is shoreline of lake Geneva, Where Victor once lived.

No one accepts him, not even himself.

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"All men hate the wretched. how then, must i be hated, who am miserable beyond any living things; yet you my creator detest and spur me." The monster (Chapter 10 Shelly)

The monsters still shunned, even by his creator.

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"I am malicious because i am miserable, you my creator, would tear me to pieces and triumph; remember that, than and tell me why i should pass pity to man." The Monster (Page 171 Shelly)

It's like having a child and ignoring, running away, and refusing to take care of it.

The monsters loathing being born.

"I beheld the wretch - the miserable monster whom i had created." Victor Frankenstein (Chapter 5 Shelly)

He knows its bad and undesirable, but he makes him that way anyways.

"This was then the reward for my Benevolence!" The monster (pg 178 Shelly)

Even preforming a nice act, causes him to be attacked and shunned.


Created with images by sirenia57 - "frankenstein monster statue" • b.frahm - "Frankenstein" • jwfarmer10 - "frankenstein-2.jpg" • Orange_Beard - "Frankenstein" • Fr Antunes - "Switzerland paradise"

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