The Maori culture is about people from New Zealand are people that try to keep on using their culture and and language so they don't forget their culture. The Maori people define them selves as iwi which means 'tribe', Whanahu which means you are connected by blood to your ancestors.
  • The Haka is about a pre battle challenge,dance or song.
  • In pre European times the Haka was meant to be a dance were two parties or tribes come together.
  • when visitor's arrived how the family or tribe did the Haka was a bit different, they either rub their noses together as a greeting or a welcome.
Maori people make statues that are carved so that they don't forget about their culture.the reason why Maori people carve statues to remember their past is because every carved statue tells a story and how the statues are shaped and positioned tell what happened and who created and ended the story.
  • `Where the Moari people living in?
  • what language do new Zealanders speak?
  • what did the early settlers hunt for?

the Maori people lived in new zealand or the polonesyan triangle

new zelanders speak fluent english or moari.


Created with images by Sids1 - "Maori Wood Carving" • Sids1 - "Maori Wood Carving" • GONZALO BAEZA - "Maori Culture"

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