Venecia's Goals English 2|period 3

Semester Goal

In the semester, I will focus more on my math by paying attention and asking for help and ask more questions in classes.

English Class Goal

My English class goal is to keep an “A” as my grade the whole year by paying attention, asking questions, and turning in my work. I will also try to memorize the parts of speech.

High School Goal

My High school goal is to overall have a good time and pass all of my years without having to take summer school. I also want to get a license and start saving up money so I have emergency money for my future or just in general.

After High School Goal

After High School I want to have a car and a temporary job, I am not sure if I will go to college or if I want to go. I also want to look for a job that I will want forever and enjoy and if it includes a college degree,I will go to college.

Personal Growth

My personal growth goal is to become a little more independent but in a way still be there for my friends when they need me. I also want to get better at Basketball.Instead of eating junk food all the time I will eat better and exercise more often.I will not waste my time.

Created By
Venecia Rodriguez Hernandez


Created with images by Pok_Rie - "motion cloud sunrise" • PublicDomainPictures - "albert einstein physics relativity" • Ramdlon - "math number school" • jimmiehomeschoolmom - "math notebooking clock" • josemdelaa - "metro measure rule" • aitoff - "pie pi circle" • annekarakash - "mistakes editing school" • Tax Credits - "Coins"

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