How the Epiphany is celebrated in other countries: Peru LeAh Zeimet - January 13, 2017

In Peru, as well as other Latin American countries, Three Kings Day, or Día de los Reyes, is widely celebrated. To children, it's a bigger deal then Santa coming for Christmas. Instead, children receive gifts from the Three Kings. The children also leave their shoes out the night before and some water and grass for the camels of the Wise Men.

Three Kings Day is celebrated on January 6, 12 days after Christmas.

The Wreath of Kings symbolizes a crown and has dried, sweetened fruit inside of it. Inside of it is also a hidden Baby Jesus figurine. It symbolizes Jesus being hidden from King Herod. Whoever gets they slice with the Baby Jesus, must host a party on February 2nd.

Lima, Peru was originally called the City of the Kings, or Ciudad de los Reyes. It is said to have been discovered by Francisco Pizarro as a good place to celebrate January 6.
Three Kings Day in Peru and other Latin American countries involves extravagant parties and parades to honor the Three King's. They're known as Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthazar (not mentioned in Scripture).

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