Personal Narrative EMILY RAINWATER

My narrative is about how me and my younger brother [Jackson] became closer after my older brother [Niko] left for college. I wrote about a time when we initially bonded leading to many more situations that held similar meaning.

Niko and Jackson were always closer to each other then to me. So when Niko left leaving Jackson and I, a lot of things changed. We tried to spend time together but we never connected the way the two of them always did.

Then, Jackson asked me to help him pick out an outfit because he had to dress up for his basketball game the following day.

We went through all of his clothes with no luck. He decided to put on some music to help us choose. He put on the Guardians of The Galaxy Soundtrack and soon we forgot about the clothes and started dancing. We were hysterically dancing, trying to make each other laugh.

That moment broke the ice between my brother and I, we bonded in a situation that wasn't forced by our parents. Since then we have become as close as we were when we were younger as if there was no time in between when we weren't.

I am happy that I have a close relationship with both of my brothers and my parents because without them my whole life would be different. I believe that family is important to have because they will always be there.


Created with images by chezbeate - "background texture wood" • smailies - "tie orange festive"

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