Jamaica Culinary Tours The Dream of two sisters

So we like to travel the world. and we love to eat when we do!

So while we were eating one day in a city far away we said......"Why not start a food tour right here in Jamaica at home!"
And so began our journey to create Jamaica Culinary Tours! Lots of road trips and exploration, lots of food!

Oooh Yeah, Jamaican Stamp & Go tastes so good going down!

And there's nothing like pan chicken and hardo bread at the Pan Chicken Championships

And then it was time to launch the Falmouth Food Tour

In historic Falmouth, Jamaica with some of the world's nicest people! (don't take our word for it - check our Trip Advisor reviews!)
And we had a blast showing off our culture!
Happy guests, happy guide
Unusual tastings with the story behind our food

Dessert in the garden of a period home in Falmouth

Babies loved our tour

And our tour guides were so excited about our existing tour

That we decided to go for round two with a new tour called "Nyam An' Guh Weh" which is Jamaican for "Eat and Leave" and who explains it better than our Tour & Creative Experience Director Janet

And this tour has it all going on - street food, food in an art gallery, a historic church, beautiful scenery - like we said everything..... And it's earning rave reviews on Trip Adivsor

And we're not done yet... Another day, another tour to plan!!

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