The Engineer's MBA Think like a manager, but with an engineering mind

"People at work will notice that you're actually learning, and are applying what you're learning, and that makes a big difference." Richard Santiago

Engineers interested in management are often faced with a dilemma: what kind of education can give them the business preparation they need to become managers, without losing sight of their technical responsibilities?

Hear the stories and experiences of students in the Master of Engineering: Engineering Management at UW-Madison.

"If you're looking to get practical applications and help your job right now, and help with the softer skills that engineers seem to be afraid of, then this is the program for you." Jessica Friedberg

Engineers look for programs that will supply the business and managerial knowledge needed to succeed in executive roles, but frequently worry the technical aspect of their profile will be minimized or neglected.

"My interest in an MBA program was simply because that seemed like the logical career development path that all mid level managers were taking.
"I had heard from several colleagues that they either got an MBA and never really used it, or used their MBA to get a business planning or management job, and found that they missed the challenges of their old engineering job." Derek Ferguson

MBA programs, though incredibly valuable, frequently lack the technical depth and application that many engineers want and need to do their jobs.

The Master of Engineering: Engineering Management (MEM) at UW-Madison provides the business, communication, and leadership abilities all executives are looking for, but with a distinct focus on the technical challenges engineers face in their jobs.

"We have a great leadership class that lets you know your leadership style and how you work well with others, and it all just carries into how this program prepares you to be an engineering manager.
"My project management skills have improved dramatically through one of our courses here." Diane Kargol
"I can tell that my technical program management approach is broader...You can see the difference in my team's dynamics." Richard Santiago
"The skills I've learned in the program that have been the most applicable for me deal with technical communication: presentation skills, organizing thoughts for diverse audiences, and some really great techniques around improving communication effectiveness." Matthew Potter
"The beauty of this program is that in all projects, we always take examples that we can directly apply to our work. It helps us not only have visibility and relevance inside the company, but also save us a lot of time." Alexandre Ledoux

Three key aspects make MEM an ideal choice for engineers looking to advance their careers with a master's degree: the summer residency, the cohort structure, and MEM's supportive staff.

MEM students visit the University of Wisconsin campus during the summer residency in August.

The weeklong session corresponds with coursework from the summer semester and leads into fall courses with face-to-face group collaboration and expert speakers.

"The community we built really quickly last year [in residency], and that's carried into this year is something I wasn't expecting, and I was pleasantly surprised when I joined this program and saw it happen."
"Because everybody in this program is going to grad school and working full-time, the program leadership is extremely understanding of the situations that may come up at work."
"UW's Master of Engineering: Engineering Management was exactly what I was looking for–an advanced degree to give me the management and leadership skills I needed to move into that role within my company, but also allowed me to remain in a technical, engineering discipline." Derek Ferguson
Created By
Alberto Orellana-Campos


Advanced Google Image Search, Alex Barutha, Selena Handler, iStock images, Alberto Orellana-Campos,, UW-Madison University Communications

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