Happy life home system A home to fit your needs !

Happy home features

Happy life home system can offer you everything you need , our system offers a teleportation pad in each room so your lazy ass doesn't have to walk through the whole house for a bag of chips !

With our system , you don't have to clean anymore ! Our houses are equipped with intelligent robots which will clean up after yourselves! It can even wipe your ass if you want it to !

With all the amazing features our houses have to offer , your life will be changed forever , our robots have mutiple functions, with a simple touch of a button you can change their functionality, they can cook you meals that even Gordon Ramsey would be proud to serve ! You're running out of food ? Our special delivery system will satisfy you in many ways , Amazon and food delivery pads are available so you get your orders insanely fast! If you need your meds, our robots are also able to go out and get them for you , if you have any issue with the robots we will always be available to answer your questions and concerns!

What ever your needs are , you'll be satisfied by all we have to offer ! At happy home industries , your comfort is our goal !

Try it and yOu'll love it !

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