Central Amazon Conservation Complex A unesco world heritage site

The central amazon conservation complex is a place where is nothing like you seen before because there's just some much to look at because its nothing like you seen before.

The significance about this place is that there is alot of anmals that we dont know or we havnt seen back home. Brazil is known because of the amazon rainforest because theres just so many species that we dont see in a regular basis. If this site was not protected, it would of been a whole waste land because people wouldnt care what would happen but the good thing is that we have rules to follow. Tress would be burning, animals moving or dying because of there foodchain etc...
The way we can visit this historical site is by raising some money and flying over to brazil, The most visited place in brazil is Rio de Jainero and well thats part of the central amazon complex.

There's alot of ways how you can get to the amazon but the most common one is the to go to brazil and take the easiest way to get to the amazon which is the north part of brazil and from there you can see the different biodiversity of the forest.

Created By
Israel Ramirez

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