Childhood Memories: 8 Lessons I Learned as a Child By Jillian Magnus

During my childhood, I made so many memories that I will keep with me forever, but I also learned many lessons. When you are a child, you learn the basic lessons that you need to know later on in life. You learn the common lessons, that everyone has learned. The best time to learn lessons, is when you're a child. Here are the 8 most important lessons I learned as a child, while also making good memories:

1. Going down a hill on a bike might seem easy, but when it's your first time, it's not. My brothers and sister would ride down that hill constantly, and it looked easy enough, so I tried it, but I ended up getting scared halfway down the hill and hitting the brakes, which sent me flying off my bike and tumbling down the hill.
2. Don’t go in the deep end of a swimming pool with your older brothers. You might think they're there to help you, but they’ll really just try to drown you.
3. Don’t knock or crawl under stalls in a public bathroom if you think you know who it is in there, because there's always a chance it won’t be the person you thought.
4. Don’t stick your tongue to metal in the winter time. You might not believe it, but it truly does stick.
5. Don’t run on top of rows of bales, you might fall in between the cracks.
6. Don’t climb into a fence with cows who have babies, if you really don’t know what you’re doing. Cows are actually pretty fast, and they will chase you.
7. You should always go to the bathroom before going on a long road trip, even if you really don’t feel like you have to. It only takes one time peeing your pants in the car to learn this lesson.
8. Mom, dad and really any adult always find out the truth behind your lies. Honesty is the best policy, because lying always gets you into more trouble. I realized this, all the times when I tried to fake sick and stay home from school.

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