Power of naure NIKOLA TESLA

Task 11 for the Learning event 2017: Learning in a Museum EXPERT: Daniela Bunea 12. Museum-based transnational collaborative learning activities (11-13 March 2017)

Author teachers:

Aleksandra Danilović, Serbia and Marie Šturmova, Czech Republic

About the project

Explore the Nikola Tesla life and work until nowadays, as presented in science and everyday life. The project idea is to introduce the figure and work of Nikola Tesla in physics, technical culture, history, geography, biology and languages. In common activities students will demonstrate their knowledge about Tesla's life and inventions. Each team would show the ability to solve some of the current problems guided by Tesla's ideas.


  • To develop the ability to work in groups and self finding information.
  • To improve critical attitude to their own and other works and to find solutions.
  • To develop interest in research and field work.

Work Process

Every partner team will introduce themselves to others in presentations and chats. During one school year we are planning to complete one activity by month in witch partners have to work together. Partners will design online quizzes for others, e-book about their activities, drafts with errors, physical and technical tasks for partners, and demonstrate small physical experiments for partners. On final competition students have to show their knowledge about Tesla's work and present the souvenir or usable items witch are inspired by the character of Nikola Tesla.Indicative

Web 2.0 tools: Power point, emaze, artsteps, fotobabble, smore, buncee, kahoot, googledocs, wordle and other digital tools.

Students will be devided in groups of six. Student from Brlgrade will be go on a Field Trip in Nikola Tesla Museum, Belgrade. They make photos from exibitions and share with partner school. Partner school will research about Tesla inventions on the internet.

Photo gallery with Tesla's inventions and from Museum of Nikola Tesla.

Study and commentary.

Connection with lessons: Physics, Technical and History, .

Students will be watched documentary GREAT STORY ABOUT GREAT MAN: "TESLA"

After that they will put their thoughts about Tesla on padlet

Expected Results

Partner schools will prepare a common e-presentation with Tesla's life and inventons

Using Artsteps they will make a virtual gallery.

Each group will create a video about the Tesla.

Feedback: Each partner school make comments on other's presentation on the Twispace Forums.


Final evaluation of the project using Google docs.


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