Combatting Anti-Social Behavior BY: Jonathan Thomas

Activity clubs will help students become physically healthy and decrease their amount of technological device use.

Many different clubs will encourage students to be actively involved in physical exercise clubs to benefit the teenagers health.

Activity clubs accepts teenagers regardless of physical or athletic ability. Actively welcoming all students will increase a students participation in the sports clubs.

Teenagers enjoying physical activity with competition. Physical exercise combats anti-social behavior because it replaces excessive use of technological devices which cause unhealthiness.

Activity clubs involving sports will help anti-social teenagers step out of their comfort zone and work with their team to score points.

Anti-social teenagers involved in any physical activity benefit with healthiness and real life interactions with other students instead of isolation through technological devices.


Created with images by genielutz - "team soccer team soccer" • hectorir - "Ultimate Frisbee Game 4" • hectorir - "Co-Rec Flag Football Game" • 3dman_eu - "stretchen stretch heat" • skeeze - "runner marathon military" • hectorir - "Pictures from Co-Rec Flag Football Game" • newlow - "DSC_0028.jpg" • hectorir - "HFA Co-rec Game 1 071" • Aberdeen Proving Ground - "2016 Basketball Championship"

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