Remixes and Originals music and remixes by jake bickerton

A hastily written and recorded folk tune - quickly put to digital disk using the wonders of a basic four track machine. It has a certain charm about it - really needs to be made into a proper song at some point...
My re-working of Grateful Dead's classic Uncle John's Band. I played everything and used an a cappella sample of the vocals from near the end of the Grateful Dead track.
I used Yello's excellent iPad app, Yellofier, to create this interesting little track. It features a sample of my then two year old son saying the first line of our address. I put this on soundcloud under the name 'The New Mr Silk'. There's one other Yellofier-created track up under the same moniker too.
I made this for a remix competition. I got nowhere in the competition but managed to get my remix played on Rob da Bank's Radio One show. Thanks Robbie!

This was another entry into a remix competition. Again, I got nowhere in the competition but managed to get the track played on both Rob da Bank's Radio One show and Adam and Joe's 6music show. I was, as you can imagine, well chuffed.

A track I created with my cousin Bruce aka alucidnation. It rocks in a very ambient way. I'm playing guitar and doing the odd 'ahhhh' noise, while Bruce is playing keyboards and also making odd 'ahhhh' noises.

I was really pleased to be asked to contribute a track to this walking podcast. I made a tune using a sample of an audio walking tour, creating a piece of music around this at the typical pace you walk at. The podcast also features Jon Hopkins, Roger Eno and other people you might have heard of.

A slice of minimal funk that almost no one has heard. For some reason I put this on soundcloud under the name 'The Swing States'. Interestingly, it pre-empts Public Service Broadcasting's mix of space samples with music by quite a number of years!
I made an appearance on this compilation CD released by The Big Chill. Thanks to Pete Lawrence for including my track 'Are you missing the sun?' on this genuinely great collection of chilled out tunes.
This is me. Thanks for listening.
Created By
Jake Bickerton

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