decrease the salary, increase the competiton Katelyn Macmillan

The correlation between a successful basketball career and monetary success is directly related.
If the NBA salary cap is lowered, it will create more competition both through leveling the playing field and by increasing the fan bases of new and experienced teams.
The lower the salary of the players, the less expensive ticket prices will be, therefore more people will be able to attend.

The more fans that attend, the more revenue will be received, increasing the necessity and ability for stadium expansion.

Through the expansion that is created, even more fans will be able to attend.

To complete the circle, the more fans that will attend by the lower ticket prices and stadium expansions, the more money all together will be made.

Lower revenue teams will be able to afford to pay salaries for the better players, creating higher competition.


Created with images by David Jones - "Minnesota Timberwolves - LA Clippers game at Staples Center" • Dusty J - "The Cheap Seats" • Jim Larrison - "Great Seats at the Chicago Bulls vs. Atlanta Hawks Game" • Karen_O'D - "Ticket office"

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