
Hailie Scaia

Hailie Scaia is currently a senior meaning her time here at North is coming to an end. She has been at north all four years of high school and has had the experience of a lifetime. Hailie decided to spend her high school career at north for two main reasons. First off she was ecstatic about her acceptance into the biomed program. Her grandmother had also graduated from north and Hailie wanted to continue the tradition.

Hailie has been apart of the bio-med program for all four years shes been at North. She has always wanted to enter the medical field in the future and joined bio-med to give her a head start. She plans to attend Butler in the fall along with her best friend Aisha Barnes and enter their nursing program once she completes all of her prerequisites. She has a passion for helping others and hopes to display this through her work in the future.

Hailie and her friend Aisha at Butlers annual senior day.

Photography is something Hailie is very passionate about. "I think I love photography so much because I can use it to express myself in so many ways" Hailie said. Hailie photographs her little cousin the most because ''he is too cute and I love capturing his facial expressions" she says. Her favorite place to take photos at is the keeper of the plains. She wants to continue her passion in the future and maybe take some photography classes in college.

Hailie when she received her first camera.

When not at school or work Hailie loves spending time with her family. She enjoys going on adventures with her little cousin especially as she never knows what will happen ''that little boy is crazy but I love him to death". The person who drives Hailie insane the most is her little sister Jocelynn who is a sophomore "I think the reason she irritates me so much is because we're just alike but I'd never tell her that".

Haile, Jocelynn, and Hailie's baby cousin

Hailie's ultimate best friend has always been and will always be her grandmother. "We're both old souls which is why we get along so well" Hailie said. Hailie loves her grandmothers personality and just listening to music or talking with her. "My grandmother has always been one of my greatest role models but I will admit she's not the best baby sitter you can ask my cousin".

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