
Religion and Contemporary Culture Grade 12 Religion and Ethics Presentation 1

When we begin to explore anything new, we begin with what we know or observe about society, then apply this knowledge to religious movements

Complete the first activity by completing the Edpuzzle on Youth, Religion and Spirituality by clicking the button below.

We ask questions like;

What are the types of religious movements that we are already aware of?

Are there social examples?

What features distinguish these movements?

How has science had an impact upon belief in traditional religions??

Why are people attracted to alternate belief systems?

There are both secular and religious groups. In pairs consider ordinary groups in society that you can identify from the pictures below and ask yourself the following questions;

  • Type - Are they secular (non-religious) or religious?
  • Behaviours – What actions set this group aside?
  • Beliefs – What do they believe about themselves in particular and others in society?
  • Ethics – What system of right and wrong do they use? What are the rules?
  • Dress/appearance – How do they look?
  • Indoctrination – How is the word spread?
  • Conformity – What happens if you don’t conform?

Now consider what makes these groups different by beginning with a brief review of official religions nine dimensions: sacred texts; symbols; stories; sacred ethics; rituals; religious experience; religious history; social structure; sacred objects. Create an info-graphic to illustrate the differences between the religious and secular.

Some of the main motivating forces for sourcing a spiritual marketplace are;

Societal change; increase in knowledge; scientific and technological advances. Power shifts in political institutions ; speed of change; uncertainty; lack of permanence taking its toll, leads to disorientation; feelings of losing touch with self; others, environment, society. Changes in family structure…dysfunction within families

Power shifts in political institutions ; social ethical dilemmas; speed of change; uncertainty; lack of permanence taking its toll, leads to disorientation; feelings of losing touch with self; others, environment, society.

Factors: employment eg shiftwork; absence of parents from the home; alcoholism/drug dependency etc.

Life as we know it…under threat: cataclysmic disaster frightening/fear what future will hold; end of world phenomenon:

Crisis in Authority: some faith traditions can answer a need for structure and need to be told how to behave, what to believe.

They can also apparently answer a need; people can be attracted to religious groups which withdraw from the hurly burly of everyday -life; establish small communities; dreams of Utopia.

Then there is;

Scientific rationalism

People hungry for sense of the spiritual

The How but not the Why

and New Religious Movements, cults and sects which we will look at later.

Created By
Juliette Bentley


Created with images by Moorelka - "cemetery all souls' day statues" • Maria G.I. - "sect" • manhhai - "BEN TRE 1968 - Photo by Wilbur E. Garrett" • Arian Zwegers - "Varanasi, sadhu" • sailn1 - "Cathares" • Spudgun67 - "WILLIAM WILBERFORCE AND THE CLAPHAM SECT WORSHIPPED IN THIS CHURCH. THEIR CAMPAIGNING RESULTED IN THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY IN BRITISH DOMINIONS 1833" • Mangrove Mike - "Surfers" • Ben_Kerckx - "people football footballers" • The U.S. Army - "Home at last" • Abode of Chaos - "thierry Ehrmann : l'architecture est un sport de combat dixit Rudy Ricciotti, painted portrait DDC_8489" • Wern L - "judo" • seier+seier - "john hejduk, berlin tower, social housing 1988" • Ahron de Leeuw - "Harar girls (Ethiopia)" • Jonathan Rolande - "Broke" • Kyle Taylor, Dream It. Do It. - "2 - If The Shoe Fits" • Wonderlane - "Universal Responsibility in a Matrixed Economic World"