The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt my overall experience

THE SPATIAL EXPERIENCE- Once I entered the Constants Theatre I was in awe because it was much more than what I expected. It was big but at the same time it gave off a cozy feeling, making me enjoy the show even more. Like most theater spaces, it consisted mostly of red seats, arranged it a semi circle, facing the main stage. My seat was positioned in the middle, which made my experience comfortable and practical. Most of the people present were students, which also made me feel a part of it. Everyone was talking and chatting until the lights went off. Everything was silent and it really gave me the chance to appreciate the beauty of the scenario. This is the perfect example of how the place plays a huge role in the Good Life, since when you're in the right place, with the right people and the right space, you feel more content with the entire experience.
THE SOCIAL EXPERIENCE- Most of the students attending the play arrived with a group of friends, or at least one. However, in my case, I went by myself because my friends were busy that day. I got dressed, got my ticket and my cellphone and went to the theatre by myself. Even though I was not bothered by this at all, I do think that attending with friends would've made the overall experience better. That way you can comment and laugh and participate with each other about what's going on in the play. Sharing an experience with someone else gives you satisfaction and a sense of company, which both aspects are essential in attaining the Good Life.
THE CULTURAL AND INTELLECTUAL EXPERIENCE- Learning and seeing how things worked back in time helps us understand why society is the it is the way it is right now. In this case, the play The Divine takes place in the 1900s in Quebec, Canada. In a general view, the play is all about contrasting different cultures. For example, the contrast between religion and the arts (theatre), and mainly the differences between Talbot and Michaud, who come from opposite worlds. It can be related to our lives now in the sense that we are constantly encountering situations in which cultures agree or differ, such as religion or social status or race, and we are learning to respect those differences and similarities whenever we can.

THE EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE- Katharsis is seen many time during the play and with a lot of the characters in it. The archbishop tries to cover up his inmoralities, Michaud fights his love and passion towards Theatre, among others. In the play, the concept of "coming clean" is shown through an exposure of the controversy and difficulties that certain topics can bring into society. For example, gender, race, religion and even sexual orientation. All those topics are deeply related to emotional experience.

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