Jonathan Tornado

Some are small
Some are big
But all tornadoes make big destruction
Destroys almost everything
You need warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, and cool dry air from Canada to form a tornado
If you live in the green, red, yellow, or orange areas, you need to get ready for a tornado
Tornadoes are big fluffy puf of spinning air
You can prepare for a tornado by whatching the news, get emergency supplies ready, emergency hiding spot, make sure there are NO WINDOWS AROUND, and bring ALL your supplies with you
Lowest part of your house is the best place in your house if you don't have a panic room
The deadliest tornado in world history was the Daulatpur-saturia tornado in Bangladesh on April 26 1989 which killed approxemently 1300 people
This chart measures the strength of a tornado
The tri-state tornado is the most destructive tornado in the u.s which killed 695 and injured 2027 people in Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana on March 18 1925
A droppler radar, and computer forecast model, can predict a tornado
This is a satellite picture of a tornado
I used the tornadoe website for all these facts


Created with images by NOAA Photo Library - "nssl0054" • JDmcginley - "water spout weather spout" • NOAA Photo Library - "nssl0054" • Landon Taylor - "Greensburg Tornado: After the destruction" • 15299 - "moore oklahoma tornado" • NOAA Photo Library - "nssl0209" • dbking - "Lizzie Borden House (Bed/Breakfast)" • Infrogmation - "Hollygrove Twister Apricot Street Leaner2" • NOAA Photo Library - "wea00208" • NOAA Photo Library - "nssl0062" • skeeze - "tornado funnel twister" • See-ming Lee 李思明 SML - "“What are some useful technical skills I can learn within a day?” #tech #edu #quora / SML.20130119.SC.NET.Quora.What-are-some-useful-technical-skills-I-can-learn-within-a-"

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