A Work In Progress Journey of a Barn

It began....

As plank and wood, aged among the ever growing evergreens, upon the edge of the prairie. Not sure if it would stay within it's little plot of land, or pass on into distant memory.

... The barn which had sat... wondering... pondering... concerned for it's very essence noticed something.

People were coming, helping give it a new roof, new doors and new glass to fill it's old window sills. The barn was very feeling relieved... yet... still...

Within it's ancient planks and years of passage. Time itself was giving the barn a reason for concern.

Concerned it was. But the old barn had faith and knew somewhere, out in the nearby lands was a solution to it's fear.

The barn was right! The solution came with the hard work and effort of many. All of which who were friends of the prairie.

The barn feels loved again as it's days in the shade are ending, being replaced with an importance, one that it hadn't felt in many years. It's old wounds are healing with the helping kindness of man, but there is still work to be done.

While The foundation is feeling more stable

This wonderful barn still knows it needs the loving hands of people who are willing to help it stay in the now and not fade into the past.

But until the future day comes when it can truly say it is complete. It wanted everyone involved to know that it is truly greatful

Thank you!

Pacific Rim Institute, Whidbey Island, Washington



Photo's by Aaron Morgenstern

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