Tools and Technologies Used

The tool to present the Information used to look at the Timeline of Donald Trump used was Adobe Spark, this a great technology tool as it's easy to use and helps to create a presentation that attracts young people which was the main objective, to create a colourful and interactive presentation to keep the attention of young people. Due to its tools like, themes, texts, fonts, pictures and videos this is achievable. Tools like Pictures and videos were used frequently for the task to minimise the amount of text needed to help keep the young children's attention.

This technology is great for the task of showing timelines of Donald Trump as information can be added easily and has a set creative themes through the software making it attractive and professional. Hyperlinks were used in the information research as it helps to achieve information that was saved before quickly. Other Software Packages like Emaze were rejected due to the functionality of the software as it's much harder to get grip off and use than Adobe spark. Adobe Spark has more futures than Emaze and these features interact better with the audience and was the other reason why this tool was chosen.


Created with images by Unsplash - "phone cell cell phone" • harry-m - "Twitter"

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