Peter's Chair Book Review By: Margaret Delgado

Introduction: In the beginning of the story "Peter's Chair," A boy named Peter just got a new baby sister named Suzy. While playing with his blocks, Peters mom tells him he has to be quiet after his blocks come tumbling down.
Peter peeks into his sister's bedroom (which used to be his). His notices his mother playing with his new baby sister. Peter begins to feel a little jealous.
Peter then notices his father painting his old highchair pink. He begins to feel even more jealous saying "They're painting all my things pink."
Next, Peter spots his old chair which his parents haven't painted pink just yet.
In the middle of the story, Peter decides to run away to a different part of the house, taking his baby picture, dog, and blue chair with him.
Peter decides to try out his old chair nd finds out he doesn't fit into it anymore.
At the end of the story, Peter has a change of heart telling his dad, "Let's paint my chair pink for Suzy."

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