
Swinton Queen Primary School newsletter 7th May


  • Acting Headteacher update.
  • Arbor parent portal and Dojo messaging
  • Swinton Local Community.
  • Staying safe online.
  • PE Kit - link to order FREE P.E shirt
  • Diary dates.

We have had an interesting, short week at SQP - but at least the sun has returned - albeit cold and rainy at times.

Unfortunately, we have had to close bubble Class 2. This is only the second bubble closure throughout the whole pandemic - so, we are grateful to all adults and children who have worked tirelessly to help keep everyone safe. However, despite repeated messages, we are still seeing too many people collecting / dropping off children without wearing a mask - unless exempt for medical reasons. Please can we once again ask for your compliance with the guidance and our risk assessment, which requires those who are able to wear a mask on school grounds.

We have welcomed our new Head Teacher - Mr Paul Higginbottom - who will take up his post in September, to School this week. He is looking forward to spending more time at SQP over the next half term. Until then, Mr Goddard and I remain in post.

Please can I encourage you to make note of future School closure dates at the end of the newsletter. We have had several enquiries this week regarding inset days. Please note that these have been set and published on the newsletters since last September.

Wishing you all a happy weekend - take care, look after each other - and we look forward to seeing you next week.

Mrs Cunningham

Arbor Portal and Dojo

A huge thank you to all those who have managed to download the Arbor Parent App - this is the main way that school will share important information about events in school and any updates. This is also the only way that parents can message the school as DOJO is no longer set up for staff to receive and read messages. If you are needing an answer to a query you have please can we ask that you phone school instead of messaging, as this will speed up the process and mean we can help you faster.

Arbor can be downloaded both via the 'app store' and 'Google play'.

As we move forward Arbor will be used for 'Parent Pay' and booking parents evening appointments.

School will continue to use Dojo as a platform to update parents, both with whole school information i.e. Newsletters, and class pages.

Swinton Local Community

We have been informed that are some occasional incidents of an antisocial nature happening in our local community, outside of school hours, that have been linked to some of the older pupils. We cannot stress enough that, as a School, we do not condone this behaviour and will work with the appropriate authorities if we have to.

The government guidance and law states that:

23. Teachers have the power to discipline pupils for misbehaving outside of the school premises “to such an extent as is reasonable”

Whist we recognise that these events are taking place outside school hours, we will act swiftly if there is any possibility of any negative behaviours crossing over in school / class.

We will continue to work with the professionals we have engaged to work with the children on making good choices and develop their understanding of the consequences of their actions. We have been asked to circulate the following letter to all parents by the Police. - Letter from SYP

Thank you for your support to uphold the positive reputation of our School.

Staying safe online

Over the last few weeks we have seen and heard about an increased use of social media apps across school. Please remember to ensure you know what your children are using and how they can ensure they are safe.

The following guides from https://nationalonlinesafety.com/guides offer some guidance for parents on how to keep children safe when using these. Please note that for some of these apps the age restrictions shown are for children that are older than 11, however we know that these are being used by children a lot younger and in our setting.

PE Kit - how to order

PE Kit

After talking to a number of uniform suppliers we have now finalised who we are going to use for our P.E shirts and the company have ordered in more than enough of these.

With it coming to the end of the academic year we wanted to let you choose what size t-shirt you would like for your child as I know most of you may want one that is slightly larger so it still fits in September.

The first P.E Shirt is being provided by school for all children up to and including Yr 5 (Yr 6 are being given 'Leavers Hoodies'). Depending on future funding from the DfE for sport in school we may be able to continue this in future years.

Please can you complete the 'Google Form' by no later than the 14th May - as this is when we will be submitting the sizes. We have already had over 200 responses to this, but if you have having any problems please contact the office and they will be able help with the ordering.


School Holidays / Diary Dates

School Class Photos - Wednesday 12th May. The Class 2 photo will be rearranged after the bubble closure this week.

Spring Bank – School closes on Friday, 28th May 2021 and re-opens on Tuesday, 8th June 2021. The 7th June is an INSET day.

Summer – School closes on Tuesday, 20th July 2021.


Created with images by Engin_Akyurt - "umbrella landscape red" • 6689062 - "business computer mobile" • RoboMichalec - "football children prep" • No-longer-here - "calendar icons calendar icons"