Taobao Developing its Website

Suggestion One: Providing Exclusive Video Content

When deciding on a content mix for a content marketing strategy, Taobao should try hard to include videos where possible. Video content is always popular on the Web and gets shared often. To illustrate, if Taobao embeds a video with interesting content about its new products, it's likely that the viewers will simply view and purchase this product, rather than returning to the site that first showed them the video.

Suggestion Two: Improving Website Content

The digital marketing world is increasingly competitive and driven by content. To be competitive in today’s online community, Taobao website must give visitors a good first impression. For instance, Taobao needs to offer some guidance on how to purchase products at its website.

Suggestion Three: Increasing Page Speed

One of the most frustrating experiences for users of the web is waiting for a page to load for too long. With the rise of the mobile devices, people are accessing content all over the world on many different platforms. Slow page load is an interrupting experience for the Taobao’s user and it can be a source of frustration and often users simply don’t have the time to wait.

Suggestion Four: Keeping Taobao’s Website Consistent

Consistency means making everything match. Heading sizes, font choices, coloring, button styles, spacing, design elements, illustration styles, photo choices, etc. Everything should be themed to make Taobao design coherent between pages and on the same page. In order to provide Taobao user with a beautiful experience as they navigate through its site, it is important that they know they are still in Taobao website. Drastic design changes from one page to the other can lead Taobao user to feel lost and confused and to lose trust in Taobao site.

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