Apple Airpods

What problems does it solve? The air pods provide a better and intense sound quality, They offer new ways of working out or listening to music without your cords getting tangled, and last its much better than other earbuds.
Competition are other wireless earbuds such as beats, skull candy, and other off brand wireless earbuds.

There is one apple store locally in El Paso Texas that is selling the Apple air pods, Online the apple air pods are selling very good! World wide they are highly populated in selling.

Target is for People both Male and Female aged through out 15-35 years of age. These are good earbuds for athletes that wont have to worry about the cords getting tangled or ripped, or even students or other people that just want a good and better sound to music.
The Price for the Wireless and high quality earbuds are priced from $150 - $160 . These earbuds might be a little high in price but the sound quality and bass is amazing, these are much better than all the other headphones out there. these really are the earbuds you need to buy to get the best sound quality possible!

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