Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration By: Aidan Knight and Christopher malave

Photosynthesis is when cells inside a plant's leaf makes glucose (C6H12O6).First, six water molecules (6H2O) goes into the roots of the plant, through the Xylem, and into the leaf.

Second, light energy from the sun excites the chloroplasts, which are in the chlorophyll, with the water.

Finally, the stoma takes in six carbon dioxide molecules (6CO2) into the chloroplasts and they make glucose (C6H12O6). The glucose then goes into the Phloem to feed the plant. During this process, six oxygen molecules (6O2) gets released into the air.

The chemical equation for photosynthesis is 6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2.

Light Energy: Energy in the form of waves that come from the sun. Water

Water: A compound made of hydrogen and oxygen.

H2O: The chemical formula for water.

Carbon Dioxide: A gas absorbed by plants in photosynthesis.

CO2: The chemical formula for carbon dioxide.

Stoma: An opening that allows plants to exchange gases.

Chloroplasts: The place where photosynthesis takes place in a leaf.

Chlorophyll: A molecule that absorbs sunlight in a chloroplast.

Glucose: A sugar used as an energy resource.

C6H12O6: The chemical formula for glucose.

Cellular respiration occurs when Plants, animals, and microorganisms generate their own type of energy. Cellular respiration happens in plant, animal, and human cells. Cellular respiration is a process that takes place all the time. In the human body, glucose (C6H12O6) and six oxygen molecules (6O2) enter the body by eating food to get glucose and oxygen goes into the body when breathing in.

Next, stored energy or ATP break down the glucose (C6H12O6).

Finally, six carbon dioxide molecules (6CO2) and six water molecules (H2O) are released by exhaling when you breathe.

The products of cellular respiration are glucose and six oxygen molecules and the reactants are six carbon dioxide molecules (6CO2) and six water molecules (6H2O). The chemical equation for cellular respiration is C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP energy.

Glucose: A sugar used as an energy resource.

C6H12O6: The chemical formula for glucose.

O2: The chemical formula for oxygen.

Carbon Dioxide: A harmful gas that the human body needs to get rid of.


The chemical formula for carbon dioxide.

Water: A compound made of hydrogen and oxygen.

H2O: The chemical formula for water.

Stored Energy/ATP: Breaks down the glucose.

Brief Summary:

Photosynthesis allows plants to make their own food known as glucose. Plants and animals break down glucose into energy during cellular respiration.

Photo Citations:

"Photosynthesis." Khan Academy. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

"Photosynthesis Cellular." Photosynthesis Cellular Related Keywords & Suggestions - Photosynthesis Cellular Long Tail Keywords. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

Denise Bell | Half Full LA Handmade Jewelry Made in LA. Instagram @halffullLA. "Mr. Dale Branch - Vocabulary 3rd 9 Weeks Part 3." Pinterest. N.p., 08 Jan. 2015. Web. 02 May 2017.


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