Children at war: Korean War By: Lily radney

War has a way of affecting children in many ways, some good , and many bad. Children who live in a war torn country have to grow up much faster than those in a peaceful country, bringing to a halt the childhood that should have lasted much longer than it did. In fact, many adults are "young at heart", and sadly children living in a brutal and devastating world don't have that oppurtunity to be young forever. During the Korean war, missionaries stayed behind to help refugees, comic books promoted the "american way", a mass amount of clothes were found for Korean children, and the government interacted with American children through vidoes shown in school

The first way that children were affected during the Korean war is through missionaries helping refugees. Francis Kinsler from Philadelphia, Pennslyvania helped lead the war relief efforts in Korea with the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America(PCUSA). When the war began in June, 1950, Kinsler went back and forth from Taegu to Pusan giving out relief packages to thousand of refugees in need. Most of Kinslers time was given to the Pusan Perimeter, where he helped widows and orphans. With his help, children who lived at the camps and orphans in the Pusan Perimeter were given the care and love they needed during a time of stress and terror.

A refugee receiving a haircut at camp.

A second way that children were affected during the Korean War was by comic books. Although comic books may not seem at first to be that influntial and important during war time, they have been proven to affect children and adults alike. Comic books first saw a rise during the second world war, where the "American Way" was heavily promoted. A low period of popularity followed WW11 until the Korean war began, and again, the "American Way" could be found as the common theme in comics. This sense of nationalism made American children very proud of their country and made them want America to win the war even more.

During war, many families flee their homes with only the clothes on their backs, and when they arrive at camp, many have no extra clothing to call their own. James Lampe(was a part of PCUSA) helped bring clothing to refugee children who had none. His efforts helped refugee children get at least a little bit of their childhood back, even if it was seemingly small and insignificant.

Finally, the last way that children were affected by war is by the American government showing videos in classrooms titled "Duck and Cover" which warned children about what to do if nuclear fallout were to happen. These 9 minute long videos featured Bert the turtle, who taught kids to duck and cover at the sound of an alarm or a bright light, which signaled a nuclear explosion. The videos affected kids by teaching them the skills that seemed necessary in a time where nuclear fallout was entirely possible.


Created with images by Kamoteus (A New Beginning) - "Korean War Memorial Atlantic City" • skeeze - "larry linville wayne rogers gary burghoff" • vaticanus - "Korea 1950 Haircut (refuge camp)" • floodllama - "Long Beach-Based Destroyer Fleet Comics" • MabelAmber - "t-shirt tee clothing" • simpleinsomnia - "Class photo of a group of school boys"

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