Stocks & broth

what is a stock? you may ask well a Stock is a flavored liquid and there are many types of stocks. socks are also known as soups. in order to make a stock the stock needs some bones, and three other things which are called carrots, celery, and onions aka mirepoix

white sock is a clear soup made with poultry, beef, or fish bones

Brown stock is an amber liquid made by simmering poultry beef and game bonethat has been browed

A fumet is like fish stock made with fish bones

Court Bouillon is a vegetable broth also used to poach fish and vegetables

Bouillon, in French cuisine, is a broth or soup prepared from broth.

jus is a French culinary term meaning juice

it's a stock with a jelly-like consistency

Remouillage is a stock that's weak and made from bone

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