Anne Frank Portfolio Koosha Yar-period 3

Info about Anne

Exploring Anne Frank's Amsterdam

The Secret Annex

The Secret Annex was where the Franks and a few other Jews stayed in hiding during Nazi occupation of Amsterdam. The entrance to the Secret Annex was a moveable book case that exposed a staircase and a few bedrooms, located in the back of Otto Frank's business.

The front entrance of Otto Frank's business factory and the Frank's house
The moveable bookcase entrance to the Secret Annex located in the back of Otto Frank's factory

Prinsengracht 263-267, 1016 GV Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam Arena

The Amsterdam Arena is a stadium in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It is the largest stadium in the country and it was built from 1993 to 1996 at a cost of €140 million. The stadium can seat a capacity of 50,000 and has a retractable roof and a grass surface. The stadium holds concerts, sporting events, and many other things. The stadium is also the home of professional soccer team Ajax F.C.

Inside view of the Amsterdam Arena, with its colorful seat display
Amsterdam Arena filled with people watching an Ajax F.C. soccer match

Nuremberg Laws


Created with images by lmgadelha - "Anne Frank Huis, Amsterdam"

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