Minorities: Navajo Code Talkers By: Liz Head hr: 5

Code Talkers

The Navajo Code Talkers contributed so much for America during WWII. They developed a special code that they memorized the code could only be read and understood by the Navajos. Some of the code talkers that were enlisted had to lie about their age because they were underage. There were Code Talkers from at least 16 tribes who served in the army, the marines, and the navy.

Constructing the Code

the original 29 Navajo Code Talkers first came up with a Navajo word for each letter of the English alphabet. Since they had to memorize all the words, they used things that were familiar to them, such as kinds of animals.

Sending Out the Codes

On the battlefield, sending coded messages was extremely serious. Being able to keep messages secret could make the difference between winning and losing a battle or affect how many lives were saved or lost.

Navajo Code Talkers

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