Life in the Islandsmic world

Mosques is a Muslim house of worship.
Bazaar is a marketplace.
Astrolabe is a tool that helps sailors navigate by the positions of the stars.

Confirmed is to prove that something is true.FACT

Publishing is to produce the work of an author .
The minaret is th tower of mosque from which Muslim are called to prayer.
Blew the government leaders there was the farmers and workers.
Arabic was the most widely spoken language in the Muslim world.
From 700s to the 1400s scholars in Muslim lands peserverd learning of the ancient world.s .
At the baghdad observatroy Muslim astronomer studied the skies.

The End!!


Created with images by LoggaWiggler - "taj mahal mausoleum agra" • maxos_dim - "mosque arabian white" • Freepht - "lantern turkish culture souvenir" • The Loud 1 - "Islamic Instrumentation - A Spherical Astrolabe" • sam_churchill - "publishing" • DEZALB - "tunisia monastir mausoleum" • Unsplash - "barley cereal grain" • seier+seier - "lotfollah mosque, isfahan oct. 2007" • gnuckx - "Palestine_Acre_al-Sumayriyya_NK25208" • richardha101 - "Sky"

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