"I am Lebron James" by Norwich Grace November/December 2016 AR Biography Activity

"LeBron also demonstrated incredible instinct and the skill of anticipation. He seemed to know what was going to happen on the court three of four plays before it actually occurred. LeBron also had a remarkably positive attitude." (p. 38)

Based upon the context clues, the word "anticipation" means he was showing his skill to his fans.

"He loved being part of a team, which provided him with another surrogate family. Coach Walker was so impressed that he made LeBron assistant coach of the younger grade team." (p. 39)

Based upon the context clues, the word "surrogate" means that he had another home and knew he belonged there.

"LeBron received attention from his coach, teammates, and the fans of the Shooting Stars, and soon his ability earned him national recognition. His name was known throughout the country as one of the best younger players anyone had ever seen." (p. 47)

Based upon the context clues, the word "recognition" means fans gave him recognition everywhere LeBron went.

"The Fab Four didn't want to split up, but it was doubtful that Little Dru was tall enough to be on the team at Buchtel. LeBron faced a serious dilemma. Should he join the most competitive team, or stick with the guys." (p. 47)

Based upon the context clues, the word "dilemma" means he had a decision to go to schools but didn't want to split The Fab Four up.

"LeBron had basketball scouts breathing down his neck as well as companies asking him to sign endorsement deals as soon as he went into professional basketball. Endorsement deals are when companies pay people to put their names on, appear in commercials for, or help design a product." (p. 63)

Based upon the context clues, the word "endorsement" means they wanted him to sign deals with their company for free products.

"In January 2003, LeBron created his own controversy when he arrived at school in a customized Hummer H2, which was worth about eighty thousand dollars. He said it was a gift from Gloria for his eighteenth birthday." (p. 66)

Based upon the context clues, the word "controversy" means a arguement about something.

"The press speculated that the car was a gift from a sporting goods company as an incentive to sign an endorsement. The accusations threatened LeBron's amateur athletic status and his chances of finishing the season with his high-school team." (p. 66)

Based upon the context clues, the word "Incentive" means a free gift from a company as a gift for signing a deal.

"For weeks leading up to the NBA draft, the world's biggest sneaker companies had been wooing the high-school senior in hope he would sign an exclusive endorsement deal with them. Adidas chartered a private jet for LeBron and his friends to travel to a meeting in Los Angeles, and put them up at a Malibu mansion with a view of the Pacific Ocean." (p. 76)

Based upon the context clues, the word "Wooing" means they are trying to get him to do commercials with the sneaker company to talk him into signing an endorsement deal.

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Created with images by BasketStreaming - "Lebron James si mette a dieta in vista del ritorno a Cleveland" • shonk - "Anticipation" • oatsy40 - "House" • The U.S. Army - "CSA at Bragg" • reynolds.james.e - "Moral dilemma." • Fibonacci Blue - "AM980 at the Tea Party Express rally" • ttarasiuk - "IMG_0739" • itkannan4u - "payment salary currency" • ' G - "ْ"

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