User Experience Design, UX to UI Class 4 Learning Journal

For Class 4 I created a Style Tile, a Moodboard, and two finished screen layout designs based upon my wireframes, Moodboard and Style Tile. Since I had previously determined my route with the wireframes, these aspects felt quite natural – a great natural progression from basic layout to developing color schemes, determining fonts and more.

Although this particular class did not sue video, I especially see incorporating video aspects in the interface design as being helpful to my classroom. There could be embedded videos on the home page and/or also on the content pages.

The live class was excellent once again. It was clear to view and hear and begin to get an understanding of the purpose of the style tile. It is a great asset (with the provided template freebie!) to use with clients and also a way to consolidate design ideas.

Creating the moodbard was also quite engaging. It allowed me to work/play with design images of which later I used a couple for the backgrounds on my finished screen layouts.

It was a pleasure to just use layout, color, and logic in this class and its assignments which can be used in redesigning one of my class’ websites which is a big project slated for summer.

Below are images of my Mood Board, Style Tile and 2 finished screen layouts based upon my Mood Board and Style Tile.

Mood Board
Style Tile
Screen Layout 1
Screen Layout 2
Created By
Kathryn Arnold

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