Immigration By Franklin R

11.4 million illegal immigrants lived in the united in 2012 so the numbers probably got bigger. The population of the United States expanded because of these immigrants. It's a real struggle because they come to look for a job to help their family. People may call them criminals and other bad things but not all of them are the same. Everyone has a different personality even Americans. Immigrants are affecting the United States because some are making “dirty money”. It means some of them are selling drugs or getting their money in different bad ways. The amount of immigrants doing this is not that big. It's only a few. It affects the economy because all that bad stuff injures people or kills them.

I would change the policies and laws for immigrants because some really came here walking from Central America to find a job and get a better life with their family members. If this were to happen a lot of immigrants would stop worrying about getting sent back to their countries and would stop being paranoid of police and ICE and any other immigration support. These changes will affect the United States in many ways. The chances of finding homes will be harder. The chances of finding a job will be harder to because that's what immigrants are basically here for.

I believe people would not agree with me because some people do not like immigrants at all. All those racist people and governments would not agree. Me on the opposite side would not agree with their side because they are gonna be negative about immigrants. So many people in the United States that don't like latinos so they wanna kick them out. I would let all these negative persons know how much we struggles to get here and do our business. It's not only latinos suffering; it’s other people from different countries coming in to live a better life.

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