Redemption Song Bob marley and the music of the 1960's



Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery

None but ourselves can free our minds

Have no fear for atomic energy

'Cause none of them can stop the time

How long shall they kill our prophets

While we stand aside and look

Some say it's just a part of it

We've got to fulfill the book

About the artist:

Bob Marley was a Jamaican singer who is thought of as the one of the artists who started the genre known as reggae. He started out in a group known as the Wailers and eventually broke off on his own as a solo artist. He had many songs such as "No Woman, No Cry", "Three Little Birds", and "Buffalo Soldier". In 1980 "Redemption Song" was recorded and produced in the last album that Bob Marley would ever produce. Bob Marley died a year later of cancer.


The song "Redmption Song" was the last song Bob Marley ever recorded and told a story of people overcoming oppression. When the lyrics say "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery/ None but ourselves can free our mind,” he is saying that the only thing that is holding people of all races back from peace is the mental bonds that they have set up and that only they can break. Just soon after that the lines, "Have no fear for atomic energy 'Cause none of them can stop the time How long shall they kill our prophets" Bob Marley is saying that technological advancements are in no comparison to the reality of men. He says this because no matter how advanced we become technology it will never compare to the flaws of man his example being the assassinations of many great people of the time such as MLK and JFK. It reflects the thought process of the time of wanting an end to racial oppression and a want for peace. When the song is recorded nothing is happening but the song is to reflect on what has happened in the past 20 years with the Civil Rights Movement and the war in Vietnam. The song was ment to bring people together and to have them reflect on what has happened over the past 20 years and to keep pushing forward and not push back.

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