Chip's story

Mr Potato’s dream will come true if you help him! Mr. Potato wants to be the potato chips in his childhood, now you can help him with your power! Challenging your shortest time for helping Mr Potato! The game is available for one player.
Mr Potato wants to be the delicious fried chips when he was a child. However, his family members didn’t support him at all. That’s why he only becomes a big yellow potato on his eighteenth birthday. After about ten years, he got a chance from Queen Apple to the human’s world. Can you help him?
Mr Potato A yellow potato with big dreams in childhood, but becomes a big potato when he grown up. Now he has the chance to change his fortune. Age: 28 Interest: playing video games
Big tomato: Mr potato’s best friend, always play video games with him. Live with Granny Orange before 16 Age: 26
Apple: The Queen of Plant Kingdom, she can choose a fruit or an vegetable and send him to Human’s world for free every year. Age: 3000
The game is available on the computers. You need your mouse, direction keys, space key to control your character and Mr Potato if be asked. Mouse is used for choose the goal, space is for jump, direction keys are for moving characters. Players need to move the characters to complete the missions.


Created with images by Pexels - "appetizer delicious dish" • cogdogblog - "Fresh Start" • Larisa-K - "forest nature trees" • PublicDomainPictures - "brown close-up food" • bobjudge - "tomato" • jking89 - "Apple" • sasint - "buffalo farmer cultivating"

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