The Divine An Analysis of the Experience by: Kyle Varnes

The Spatial Experience
Inside the Constans Theatre

Upon entering the Constans Theatre, I noticed that the theatre was very spacious. Seating was organized into sections with narrow walkways much like a movie theatre. I was seated on the front row of one of these section which gave me a great view. During the show, I got to see actors up close as some would walk through the aisles. The ceiling was high and there were lights all through the room. My friends and I were waiting for the show to began and then the lights started to dim. When the entire audience was silent, I was shocked that the actors voices carried throughout the whole theatre. When the audience respects the actors there should never be an issue with enjoying a show in this theatre. This place can be a great example as a role in the good life. Being in the right place is only a part of the good life. I find it fascinating to learn more about the good life through different places and experiences.

The Social Experience
Constans Theatre entrance

I was lucky enough to attend the show with some fellow classmates of mine. Watching this performance with people definitely enhanced my experience. During intermission and after we left the show we were able to all share our thoughts about the performance. It was unique to see how we all watched the same play, but noticed different aspects. Listening to others analysis gave me a better perspective of all the different themes and messages throughout the play. Sharing an experience with others not only enhances your experience, but also makes you closer to those people. This type of development is essential in a persons journey of finding the good life. Social experiences develop a persons emotional and people skills.

The cultural and intellectual experience
The Divine playbill

In attending a performance such as the The Divine, you get a lot more out of the experience than just entertainment. Going in the theatre I was not expecting to see a completely different culture. Since these theatre shows have real life actors who fully embrace their character, you feel as if you're a part of the environment. In comparing and contrasting how society and cultures have changed allows you to grow both intellectually and culturally. Sometimes we get comfortable with our environment, but this performance reminded my how different peoples lives. I realized how people learn from their society and culture and adapt accordingly. This show addressed many issues of the time frame including labor, the church, and sexuality. Powerful performances are more than capable of shaping ones values, opinions, and outlook on the good life. Personally, I was able to relate to Talbot. His family would constantly make sacrifices for him to pursue a career. It reminded me of everything that my family does to push me to be a better person.

The emotional experience
This photo symbolizes those that are dissadvantaged

The Divine performance highlighted and addressed many cultural and societal issues. One of the issues that I think is most relevant to me was witnessing the struggle that Talbot's family was going through. His mother was widowed and he had one younger brother. His mom worked as hard as possible and she was still struggling to provide for her children. Talbot's brother was even forced to work at the young age of 14. During the talk back, it was mentioned that in the nineteenth century children were expected to work to help provide. This took away the ability of young people to pursue higher education putting them in a disadvantaged position. When people to witness the trials that families like this went through, their values may change. A show has ability to impact the audience through an emotional appeal.

Works Cited
  • "Open Hands - Google Search." Open Hands - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.
  • "Constans Theatre - Google Search." Constans Theatre - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2017.


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