Get the Idea By mya brown

Freshman year to senior year I have progressed from a writer, communicator, a learner, and a student. I had a lot of anxiety with school. I hated presenting, talking to teachers, and asking for help I never really tried to help myself learn things. Now as student I feel like I have gotten better with my learning and communication.

Geometry was probably the worst class I could take I didn't like the teacher nor did I like the class. That sophomore year I gave up because of that class. I hated asking for help from teachers because I felt like they would look at as dumb. So I never asked for help. On top of everything's were the presentations I had to give to the class I would talk quite and quickly just to get it done and over with. When the new year stated I told myself I was gong to make junior year better for myself.

For a while I was still trying to do things on my own. Nothing was getting accomplished with me improving myself and in class. I still hated asking for help, I still hated presenting. So I started to quit on myself again. Then one of my teachers Mrs. Fisher had a sit down with me. "I want to help you Mya you just have to let me." Those words that she said I never heard from a teacher. So she helped me open my eyes her and I set goals for myself, and planed out what I need to work on and what I don't need to work on. I started to ask for help more, I stated to see that my teachers wanted me to ask them questions. I still have problems with going up for help on my work but it's just something that probably a lot of students have.

I have a creative mind for about 4 years I have taken art classes and it's just something I loved for a long time. When my English teacher Mr. Mckinny told to class "writing is a form or art" I had to roll my eyes at him. I think of writing as work, nothing is fun or beautiful about it. I get sloppy with my writing the good thing is that I know I do, only the bad thing is I don't do anything to fix it. When I think of a good idea I write it down but soon delete it because it sounds nothing like me. I wait for the last minute to start coming up with ideas for my papers. I just don't like writing. But senior year I had a lot of fun with writing. The one that really stuck to me was the descriptive paper we got to wright about. I felt like I could be myself in that paper you could make some random thing about a person a judge some, just what I like to do. I felt like I had a strong voice and message in the paper. It was one of my best papers I wrote and I was proud of it and I wouldn't change anything about the project.

One class that I know that my creativity shows is my ceramic and ap 3D art classes. I was always bad at drawing never really got the drift of it and never really enjoyed it. I Finally got into sculpture and everything about that class make me happy. The reason why I love my art classes it that I get to control my art but sometime things don't go as planed and your projects just don't turn out the way you want it. Ceramics II I made a bear head out of clay. Bears are a big symbol in my life so I wanted it to be perfect. Then a couple days later I came back into class and part of the bears head "exploded" in the kiln and it just wasn't how I wanted it to turn out, I put it together and finished putting polish on the head and it just wasn't right. Then in My ap class I made it better I found what it was missing I filled the cracks and holes with nails. I made it look better I took something that I couldn't control into something that I could, and that art project was one of my best works.

As a student at Noblesville I learned a lot about me as a student I learned not to give up on myself and to have fun with my work and that teachers want all their students to grow, and learn. That is what I want for myself I want to see me grow as a person, and I think I get the idea.

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