The Call for Alternative Energy Lizzie DeLillo

Alternative energy is energy generated in ways that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment, especially by avoiding the use of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels are an energy source formed in the Earth's crust from decayed organic material. The common fossil fuels are petroleum, coal, and natural gas.
The burning of fossil fuels produces heat-trapping gases that are the main cause of the ongoing rise in global atmospheric temperatures. This is why so many people are demanding a transition into alternative energy.
Alternative energy is sources of energy that come from nature: solar power, wind power, water power, and biofuel.
Benefits of alternative energy include: little to no global warming emissions, improved public health & environment quality, vast and inexhaustible energy supply, economic benefits, stable energy prices, & a more reliable energy system.
I choose this topic because it is an argument I didn't feel like I was well enough informed on.
Research questions include: Why are we as a society so wary of alternative energy? If alternative energy is a viable option why don't we use it?
Counter arguments include: Alternative energies can be very weather dependent. Fossil fuels are more efficient than any alternative energy thus far.
Through my research I hope to learn more about alternative energy and be able to convince others of the need we have for it!


Created with images by cluczkow - "tree" • Chrisbkes - "Butterfly" • tylerserif - "fossil fuel rainbows." • kaichanvong - "Burn" • Gigi Ibrahim - "Alternative energy is possible" • fabfiver5 - "DSC_0582" • jojo nicdao - "DSC_7147.jpg" • Annastavr - "nature cloud summer" • mark i geo - "Caspian view" • Melanie Lazarow - "Make fossil fuels extinct"

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