Night By elie wiesel

1944 a twelve year old boy spends much time and emotion on talmud and jewish mysticism. His instructor moshe the beattle, returns from a near death experience to warn that nazis are coming to threaten thier way of life.

Elie Wiesel wrote night to explain how jewish people are being prosecuted because of something they believe in
Elie Wiesel was known as the messenger of mankind after he gave this speech "through my own struggle to come to terms with my own personal experience of humiliation and the utter of comtempt for humanity shown in Hitler's death camps.


  • Elie Wiesel - Wikipedia
This paper is from the Speech Elie wiesel gave for the holocaust memorial, may ,2010


I recommend this book because it's a really good book and if your really into reading about relligions and the history of them this would be the ideal book for you.

Biography of Elie Wiesel

He's a nobel peace prize writer and


Created with images by cliff1066™ - "Elie Wiesel" • fusion-of-horizons - "Holocaust Memorial - Bucharest, Romania" • cdrummbks - "night" • Nagarjun - "Elie Wiesel plaque"

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