Secrets come out.... By:Camryn Head

She is preppy, says the pom-poms by her closet full of designer clothes.

She is adventurous, says the many vacation photos among her bulletin board,

showing all the different places she's been to;

She is a perfectionist, says the ruler neatly positioned beside her pencil.

She is hard-working, says the gym clothes

lying between her dirty athletic shoes.

She is a dreamer, says the worn books

lying on the ground by her bed frame.

She is a animal lover,says the cats sitting quietly behind the couch.

Then something happened; her secrets poured out.

She is shy, says the phone

that hid her real personality from everyone except herself.

She is doubtful, says he hair tools

strewn across the bathroom and around the sink. She is insecure, says the pile of makeup against the wall,

hiding her true beauty from the world.

Then something happened; her secrets poured out.

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