Moon by savannah

The moon was never discovered the moon

The moon is 4,53 billion years old

The moon orbits distances is 238,855 miles ( 384,400 km )

The element of the moon is fire

this is what the moon looks like

Does the moon have a function...yes the moon has a function it controls the water

Is there non living or living there is no living things or non living thing on the moon

Does the moon give off heat...yes the moon gives of heat

The research says that the moon is never going to die

The lowest temperature is 280 degree and the highest is 260 degrees

the moon has a half quarter and full moon

This was my project of the moon


Created with images by twig73010 - "Moon" • shazwan - "Moon" • twig73010 - "Moon" • trasroid - "moon" • Dmitry Kolesnikov - "Moon" • philpace - "moon space sky" • Pexels - "crater dark luna" • Aiko, Thomas & Juliette+Isaac - "moon :)" • nigelhowe - "Moon" • twig73010 - "Moon" • trasroid - "moon" • philpace - "moon space sky" • Dmitry Kolesnikov - "Moon" • philpace - "moon space sky"

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