In the Mc Dougal cave, all the mans of the village try to find Injun joe, but after 6 days the mans are tire and no body find just a little clue prove that Injun joe is alive at the same moment. They decide to surrender and go back to the village. One day after when Tom and Huck learn that Injunjoe is probly dead, they decide to go in the Mc Dougal cave to find the tresure. When they arrive to the Mc Dougal cave ,they see an other boat in front of the island but they don't care because they think is just the boat of the mans of the village try to find Injunjoe. Tom and Huck find a little tunel and enter in the cave. Tom puts little white rock to don't lost the exit, but at the same moment 3 pirates arrive on the back of Tom and Huck with the tresure. Tom turn back, see the 3 mans, take the tresure and said to Huck to run. The 2 boys run and follow the little rocks. When they are out they take a big rock and put it on front of the tunel. Tom and Huck take the pirats boat and all the money in it and go back to the village. When they are to the village they distribute all the money to the por villager

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