Native American Mascots Leslie Montes

I do not think teams and schools should be allowed to use Native American mascots.

I think teams and schools should not be allowed to use Native American mascots because it could come off as offensive to Native Americans. A quote that supports this point is, "Many Native Americans are uoset by the redskins name." This quote supports my claim because it's saying that the Native Americans do not like the name "redskins". I picked this quote from the article because it proves my point that Native Americans are upset about the names and do not like them.

Another reason why I think teams and schools should not be allowed to use Native American mascots is because they're just using the stereotypical image of what everyone thinks of Native Americans and what they think they should look like. Another quote that supports my claim in this paragrah is, " D.C. Native American groups say having a team name "Redskins" is disrespectful." I picked this quote because it shows how Native Americans are stereotyped to be called redskins. This quote supports my claim because it's saying that Native Americans think the name "redskins" is disrespectful.

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